QUADRIGA Demonstration at IASA Annual Meeting

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On November 10 and 11, 2023, the annual conference of the IASA German-Swiss branch took place in cooperation with the Sound Archive of Humboldt University and the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv, Media Department, at the Ethnological Museum in the Humboldt Forum Berlin. As the Phonogramm-Archiv has its own QUADRIGAAudio and QUADRIGAVideo installations since 2021, the participants were able to see it live in action.

Stefan Zachau from Cube-Tec was on site and, together with Michael Hauschke from Ethnological Museum, explained the setup and possibilities using the Sound Archive's QUADRIGA features, like parallel ingest from multiple playback devices, Dual-Direction transfer from tape and automated, metadata-driven post processing of ingest recordings using Cube-Tec's DOBBIN workflows. Huge thanks to the IASA organisation team and the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv for this opportunity and making it a memorable day.