In Depth

Signal Processing

The industry's most comprehensive selection of 24 bit / 192 kHz Mastering, Restoration and Analytical Tools - well over 40 at present - are available for the AudioCube platform. VPIs (Virtual Precision Instruments), which provide 64/32 bit floating point precision, are designed exclusively for the AudioCube system, and many include innovative features and capabilities not found elsewhere. In addition to the many Stereo VPIs, the AudioCube platform supports several multi-channel tools.

The use of Native Signal Processing eliminates reliance upon DSP manufacturers for AudioCube advancements, and facilitates dynamic allocation of system processing power.

All Virtual Precision Instruments (VPIs) are 24 bit / 192 kHz and internally calculate with up to 64-bit floating-point resolution (52-bit mantissa, 11-bit exponent), resulting in 52-bit resolution independent from the audio level. This quality is maintained throughout the system - even batch processing interim files are stored on the hard drive as 32 bit floating point files. Many VPIs include an "Audition" function which facilitates the monitoring of "processed signal elements" only and all VPIs utilize special algorithms to provide varying degrees of "adaptive processing".