Vienna, 6. August 2015

FIAT/IFTA 2015 World Conference In Vienna

The next World Conference will take place from Wednesday October 7th – Saturday October 10th 2015 in Vienna and will be hosted by the Technical Museum in Vienna (Technisches Museum Wien).

You can find the full programme here. Use the chance to meet Tom and Jörg to discuss your projects and project ideas.

Cube-Tec is an active member of FIAT/IFTA and supports the world conference 2015.

Digital Video Damage In Archives: Understand, Prevent, Detect, And Repair - Results From The David Project

What types of damage are common in digital archive content and workflows and what are its consequences on the re-usability of that content? Which solutions are there to detect and repair MXF errors, e.g. in D10 files and workflows? Which solutions are there to detect and repair video essence damage, e.g. Digital BETACAM dropouts, noise, various field errors, and for improving the picture quality beyond its original state, e.g. de-blurring and super-resolution? And finally, how to prevent digital damage in the future?

The Cube-Tec team is looking forward to meet you in Vienna!