Bremen, 28. January 2011

Large-Scale Digitization of Universal Music's Crown Jewels

For years, the probably most outstanding music preservation project was treated like an industry secret. A high level of technical excellence was developed to digitize the unique master tapes of the world's largest music company. In 2009, arvato digital services took over the responsibility for the entire archive of Universal Music Group International. arvato digital services is now offering this preservation service. This preservation technology will become can now provide an insight view of the Universal Media Asset Archiving System (MAAS).

arvato digital services from Gütersloh / Germany has been entrusted by Universal Music Group International with the creation of a large-scale digital archive for their numerous valuable master tapes. Cube-Tec's technical director Joerg Houpert spoke with Wolfgang Martens from arvato digital services about recent developments in this archiving project.

Read how Cube-Tec's products Quadriga, Dobbin and CD-Inspector are integrated in this process and get to know more about the importance and progress of the digitization of Universal Music's virtual crown jewels...

The cooperation between arvato and Cube-Tec started 2002 when the first AudioCube with its advanced mastering- and restoration tools has been installed at Sonopress. Since this time we have a good relationship and we enjoy the short way to the manufacturer and the direct communication to the Cube-Tec support engineers. When we moved the Universal MAAS System from Hanover to Gütersloh we knew that we would obtain the audio ingest system with the most sophisticated quality control. We have a great confidence in that system because of our good long-term experience with Cube-Tec.
- Wolfgand Martens